Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Washington DC, Part 1

Once again we were fortunate to be able to travel. This trip: Washington D.C. where we met up with DeeAnn's sister, Dorie and nephew, Jimmy. It was a great trip.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures. DeeAnn will post pictures from her camera later.

A lot of the history of the city and of the country can be told in the artwork, including the sculptures and architecture. Here we have statues in front of Union Station, the iconic Jefferson Memorial, the new World War II Memorial, and of course the Washington Monument.

On Friday we took a tour of the city that included the sites above, plus one of my favorites, the National Cathedral. When I was in high school, the band performed a concert there and this was the first chance to go back, now that it has been finished! The stained glass is absolutely breathtaking, as is the view from the tower. Helen Keller and her teacher, Anne Sullivan are buried there though it can be difficult to find their crypt.

Saturday included a visit to the Smithsonian's Air and Space Museum. Perhaps Jimmy found his future profession, my favorite bachelor relic, the sunstone from the Nauvoo Temple and a number of other wonderful American treasures.

Lastly, one of our favorites, quite a lot bigger than the last time we saw him in April.

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