Monday, June 21, 2010

Bryce Canyon Trip, Part 1

Having returned from another camping trip, we discovered we took a lot of pictures! So here is our look at our 3-day trip. Please remember that you can click on each picture to get a larger version. Some are very pretty!

Red line shows our route, more or less.

We left early Friday morning, timing our trip so we could make it to the Beaver cheese factory. After gathering the requisite curd (very good) and sample bag (again, very good), we made our way to Cedar City then up the canyon. It was here I introduced DeeAnn to her first show of natural beauty, Cedar Breaks National Monument.

Coming out of Cedar City and up the canyon

Overlook - Large mountain in background is from Zions National Park

Panorama picture of Cedar Breaks National Monument

Getting closer to Bryce Canyon National Park

It was then on through the wonderful mountain passes, and pretty much up to the top of the mountain to Ruby's Inn. It was here we set up camp and spent the next couple of nights. After a nice dinner at the buffet, we made our way back past the lodges, lake and into the campground.

Old Bryce Town shops

Minnie Lake, at Ruby's Inn

Harvey at Ruby's Inn campground

The next day was our exploring day. We started with riding the free shuttle provided by the park and up to Bryce Point. It was the first jaw-dropping moment. And the pictures really don't tell the whole story of the colors or distances.

Scenes from Bryce Point

Bryce Point panorama

Bryce Point

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