Monday, August 23, 2010

Review - Mr. Monk is Cleaned Out

I recently finished Mr. Monk is Cleaned Out by Lee Goldberg. I really enjoyed this book.

The plot of the book involves Mr. Monk being taken to the cleaners by a swindler. he believes this swindler, who has been arrested on several charges of fraud, to be guilty of murdering the witnesses who may provide more information about his schemes. But the swindler is under house arrest, his house is surrounded by police and media, and he is wearing a tamper-proof ankle bracelet. Yet Mr. Monk still believes that he did the impossible, to sneak out of the house, past the media and police with an ankle bracelet on and murdered the witnesses.

As Goldman continues to write I believe he is getting better. I hope this series continues. Now I am working on Queste by Angie Sage.

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