Saturday, October 15, 2016

Yellowstone in the Wintertime

For for fall break this year we took a great road trip in the car (since Harvey doesn't like snowy roads and its way more expensive) to Yellowstone and Cody, Wyoming.  First stop was Pocatello, Idaho for a meal at Perkings....potato pancakes are a must in passing ANY Perkins.  Next stop was Rexburg for a trip through Bear Word, dinner with Abby Broberg, and a night's stay.

Stayed at the Fairfield in Rexburg and met up with Abby Broberg (attending BYU-Idaho) for a yummy Mexican dinner.

The next day we headed towards West Yellowstone, passed through, and on our way to the park.

The next day was Cody, Wyoming...a fun little town with a famous
"cowboy" past.  Our visit to the Cody Museum was not disappointing.  There are four different parts to the museum:  one dedicated to Bill Cody, one to the local American Indians, one to western artwork featuring Charles Russell and Remington, and one to the history of firearms - all fascinating.

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