Sunday, April 16, 2017

Amtrak Trip to California Day 1-2

For Spring Break this year, we took a very fun Amtrak train trip to Emeryville, California.  We left at 11:30p.m., but fortunately the train was running on time so there was no wait that late at night.  When we got to our sleeper (all equipped for a wheelchair!), our attendant, Karen, had made up the beds for us.  It didn't take long to get comfy and fall asleep to the motion of the train.

Here's the train coming in at 11:00ish (at night) to the SLC Amtrak station.

When we woke up, Karen came a took our breakfast order and had it there soon and also made our bed up so we had 2 seats facing each other.

Next it was just watching the scenery....all pretty in it's own way.  Once we past Reno, Nevada, things got really beautiful!

Security pooch at the Reno Amtrak Station

Skiers in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

We knew we were California when we saw the Palm Trees.  Arrived at the Emeryville Station at about 4:30pm on Monday and walked the block to our hotel, the Four Corners.  Ate at the Hungry Bear Restaurant.  Food was good, hotel was ok (1 double bed makes for cozy sleeping).

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