Saturday, August 01, 2009

Oregon Coast, Part 3

We made it home. After leaving Newport, we headed inland to Corvalis in order to catch I-5 and head north to Portland. Newport temperatures during the day were running low 60's while Portland was running near 100.

After leaving Portland we headed out to the Columbia River Gorge and watched as the vegetation gradually turned from the lush green of the coast to the dry brown of the interior. We finally ended up in LaGrande, had dinner and then checked into our RV park for the night. A nice enough park.

Friday we headed out to home. We stopped in Boise to have a late breakfast with Josh Clawson, one of DeeAnn's former students. After hearing of the major traffic slowdowns, we stopped for dinner in Ogden but still got trapped in a traffic problem in North Salt Lake. We arrived home about 8:30 pm.

The next few posts will be some of the pictures of the sights we enjoyed along the way. The big question now is where do we go next year. I'm leaning towards Glacier National Park.

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