Friday, November 27, 2009

Favorite Fluffy Stuffing

I'm convinced that some of the greatest recipes were developed by my grandparent's generation. using fresh foods, not a lot of preservatives and care and time in cooking, these recipes will live on for generations to come. One of my favorites is my Grandmother on my mom's side, her fluffy stuffing. It sounds strange to use Rice Krispies in a stuffing mix, but it really keeps the stuffing fluffy.

1 cup chopped onions
1 cup chopped celery
1 cup butter or margarine
8 cups soft bread cubes
4 cups Rice Krispies
1 tablespoon poultry seasoning
salt to taste

Directions: Add Rice Krispies, salt and seasoning to bread cubes (I use white bread about 3-4 days old). Toss to mix. Cook onion and celery in melted butter until golden. Add to bread crumbs and toss.

Cook for about an hour in a crockpot on high. If dry add a little water or chicken broth.

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