Monday, December 14, 2009

Review - Hothouse Orchid

I just finished Hothouse Orchid by Stuart Woods. I liked it for the most part. This continues Woods' Holly Barker series and returns the setting to Florida.

The plot for the book is that Holly barker, recently promoted in the CIA, is asked to take a month's vacation. So she returns to Orchid Beach to find her former army commander the new police chief. This is the same former commander that tried to rape her, was tried and found innocent during his court marshal. After a series of rapes, he becomes a suspect only to show up dead. So the police, along with Holly and a Governor's new task force investigate the crimes to determine who is committing these crimes. If that's not enough, Teddy Fay, a mysterious former CIA employee, shows up and is right in the middle of the story.

As I said, I enjoyed it for the most part. one of the reasons I used to like the Holly barker series was that Wood's didn't write as much sex into the story. Apparently he has changed his mind. So, read at your own risk!

Now it's on to Arctic Drift by Clive Cussler.

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