Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Review - Rules of Engagement

I have a rule when i read books. If I can't get into it by 100 pages, I will give up and move on. I figure there are plenty of interesting and imaginative books out there and I don't need to be wasting my time anymore. I rarely give up on a book. But This book, Rules of Engagement, by Stephanie Fowers met my rule.

The plot is this: 25-year-old Samantha Skyler is a BYU co-ed who wants to find her true love but has virtually no experience in dating. Harrison Bean, an attractive boy who lives in the same apartment complex develops a method for Samantha to be more successful in the manhunt. But when someone discovers the plot they do everything they can to sabotage it.

After 100 pages I was inundated by a number of ridiculous conversations and premises. I overlooked the fact it was set at BYU but it was just too much for me. Time to move on.

Now I'm working on When you Reach Me by Rebecca Stead. It was last year's Newbery Award winner.

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