Sunday, October 24, 2010

Disney Cruise, the Food

One of the disappointing things from our Disney Cruise was the food. Comparing it with the food from our Carnival cruise, we thought the Disney food was far inferior. Course, Disney has never been know for their food but for their entertainment, which we found to be true. Here are a few pictures of the food we were served.

Dessert selection

Chicken and potatoes with roasted carrots and beets.

Beef, corn and potato selection.

One of the appetizers.

French onion soup, one of the better selections.

Shrimp cocktail

DeeAnn ordered a Mickey Bar for Dessert. Not quite frozen solid like at the parks...

...and what happens to it after 30 seconds.

Mac and cheese. Yep, it tasted as gross as it looked. This is from the kids menu.

Ice cream for dessert.

I ordered a pasta dish but had them leave off the meat. This was the result.

Fruit, cheese and cracker plate ordered from room service.

Potato and cheese soup

Buffet selection of fruit, cheese and bacon. Does it get any better?

Bread pudding

Mushroom ravioli

One of the better meals: french fries and my homemade fry sauce.

Place mat signed by the characters aboard the ship

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