Sunday, May 01, 2011

Camping Local

This weekend we enjoyed another nice camping trip. We wanted to see how Lexie would do in an overnight camping trip, so we selected a local RV park, Lakeside RV Park on Center Street in Provo. It's not very far so that if she does have a problem, it would be easy to take her home. The first night was Lexie free. We also enjoyed the time with Melany and her family, one of the teachers DeeAnn works with.

The red dots are from our house (approximately) to the RV Park. It was sooooo far!

Because I had Friday off, I started cooking slow cooker ribs, rice, corn, salad, and funeral potatoes. The ribs were not as tender as I would have liked (especially since it was too cold to cook in the Dutch Oven) but seemed to go over okay. It was also the first time I had used to oven. it was a learning experience but the potatoes turned out pretty good, perhaps a little overcooked.

We bought a couple of sets of Lego's we could leave in Harvey so I would have something to do. here I help Aiden put together one of the sets.

We arrived in pretty good weather, though it was cold. The next morning we woke up to a layer of snow. Nice that Harvey had a great heater and gives us a chance to snuggle a little. The hot shower is also nice on a morning of "roughing it."

After a short trip to see a baptism of one of DeeAnn's students, we dropped by the house to pick up Lexie.

It didn't take long for her to make herself right at home.

Some things never change. Lexie keeps careful watch on me in case I "accidentally" drop food on the floor. She is such great little vacuum.

The end result was that she did very well. She enjoyed being around other dogs and the kids, let us know if she had to go potty, and slept through the night without barking at strange noises. We are looking forward to taking her on future trips where we don't leave the park for extended time. But I'm not sure I'd stay at or even recommend the RV park. While the staff seemed to be nice, the advertised cable TV was awful and the wireless Internet kept going in and out.

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