Saturday, June 18, 2011

Alaska Cruise - Day 1

We have just returned from our favorite vacation so far, a cruise to Alaska. This has been in the planning since November, so we were really looking forward to this experience. We selected Royal Caribbean's Rhapsody of the Seas. We knew the Disney Wonder also sailed to Alaska but with their solid walls we wanted a ship that we could see the water and coastline. It was a good choice, as you will see later. Between the two of us, we took over 1000 pictures, some of which are blurry, others are just duplicates of each others.

We were fortunate to paired up with a great couple from Billings, Montana for dinner. They were in a Grand Suite, while we had an accessible junior suite which had plenty of room. They received a few extra perks and had a lovely room. Apparently the junior suites are the highest level for accessible rooms, but we think the grand suite would be nice as it had a bathtub instead of the roll-in shower. But their was a 3-4 inch step up to the bathroom.

Our room as seen from the dock. Our room is directly above the room with the glass window, right above the rear end of the lifeboat.

Docks at Seattle Pier 91. It's pretty amazing that they can empty the ship by 10:00 and be ready for boarding a couple hours later. All the logistics and equipment are fascinating to watch in action.

Our room

Our balcony. Note the glass wall, the main reason we chose this ship over the Disney Wonder.

And the most important room, the bathroom.

For the most part we found the cruise to be uneventful and enjoyable. When, not if, we do another Alaska cruise we hope to be able to visit different ports of call and see some different parts of the country. We would really like to do the Anchorage to Seattle cruise with a side trip up to Denali National Park.

Our experience started out in Salt Lake City and I was surprised to see my Mom's cousins Boyd and Connie Cox boarding the plane. We discovered they were traveling with a Woodbadge group and would be on the same cruise as us! We enjoyed a few hours with them, visiting and enjoying our balcony together as we cruised around the glacier.

Geeks at sea. Here I hold my precious souvenir cup. I purchased the soda drink card which entitled me to free sodas during the cruise. Only about $40.00 but considering sodas cost $2.25 each and I go through several a day, it was worth it. And now I have a cool cup for work.

Views from the Ship, as we leave Seattle.

We arrived in Seattle with no problem and found the cruise representatives. They directed us to the shuttle bus area, at the end of the airport. While it seemed disorganized, it was very organized and efficient. We took our bags to the check-in stand where they took them and we next saw them show up at our suite about 4 hours later. Luggage was delivered to suites first, then the rest of the rooms, so there were advantages in being in the suites.

We made a quick trip to the Windjammer Cafe for lunch. It was adequate and since we considered it part of the price we had paid for the cruise, we took advantage of it. Our room was available at 1:00 and we arrived just as they were opening to doors to let us in. We were able to relax a little and check out the room.

Buffet at the Windjammer Cafe, much easier to get around than the Disney Wonder!

Our mandatory life boat drill was at 4:00 and was quick and efficient. We were back in our room by 4:30 and left dock right after that, about 5:00.

Our itinerary was:
  • Day 1: Seattle
  • Day 2: Cruise
  • Day 3: Juneau
  • Day 4: Skagway
  • Day 5: Cruise, Tracy Arm Glacier
  • Day 6: Cruise
  • Day 7: Victoria, BC
  • Day 8: Seattle
We took a quick tour of the ship and found...the library!

Dinner was at 6:00 where we met our dining companions and wait staff. After a week together, we discovered that they were a great couple and we enjoyed spending time together with them. We were impressed the cruise line paired us up with a couple so similar to us.

DeeAnn mentioned to Eddie, the Assistant Waiter, that she wanted lemonade then changed her mind to milk. So he brought her both. Now everyone on board thinks she had a drinking problem!

Prime rib

Pasta and mushrooms

Chocolate cake for dessert

Sunset at Sea, the end of the first day

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