Saturday, June 18, 2011

Alaska Cruise - Day 7

Day 7 of our cruise was spent in Victoria, BC. It's a beautiful city as can see from these pictures.

Victoria from the dock. Those are apartments and I'm sure command a nice price for a view of the water. Victoria is a very large island where prices for homes drop considerably as you go north or go farther from the water.

Harbor at Victoria.

Totem poles at the Museum. Some day I'll make it to the museum.

Ahh, the memories of the Inn at Laurel Point. This was where we stayed three years ago when we visited and enjoyed it very much. This was my 5th visit to Victoria, DeeAnn's 2nd.

Street scenes of Victoria.

We started our tour at the sunken gardens, our favorite spot of the garden. Lesson Learned: If you have limited time, spend your time here. There may not be roses and water lilies but you will see nearly everything else the garden has right here.

Indoor terrarium at the gardens.

Ross Fountain.

Water features and lawns.

Flowers throughout the gardens.

Tree roots. Amazing they can hold these massive trees up.

Beautiful display of trees and the varieties they bring.

Garden paths. Fun to compare this picture with the one we took three years ago. I see the Ivy has grown up the wall considerably since then.

Approaching the gift shops, still manicured and beautiful displays.

More beautiful displays.

We asked our van driver to drop us off downtown. After a nice lunch at a local pub, we took the 20 minute walk along the waterfront to return back to the ship. Here are some of the homes we saw along the way.

Cranberry yogurt.

Beef Burgogne

Ricotta and spinach stuffed shells

Orange and Chocolate pie.

Our table companions, Linda and Terry.

Leonard, waiter and Eddie, assistant waiter. Both from the Philippines.

DeeAnn being escorted out of the dining room. Leonard was very nice to do this each evening, if he was available.

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