Friday, August 03, 2007

Is it s fruit or vegetable?

Our first harvest! One of the potato plants was ready and yielded 9. Another plant appeared to be ready but when dug up, it only had one potato on it. Meanwhile, we are NOT having the same problem with the tomatoes. We have harvested our first ripe tomato though it didn't last long (I heard it was yummy). There are LOTS more to come, so if you have any recipes for salsa, send them our way!

The yard is coming along. I bought about 40 16" blocks and 20 decorative blocks. The rose bush is finally out and I'm tilling the grass under. After leveling out the ground I started to lay the blocks. I have to adjust them a little since I forgot to allow space for the fence posts. Oh well, at least I have just started. 9 down, lots more to go. Once the blocks are down I'll be able to start on the shed. Maybe by that time the weather will have cooled down a little more.

Of course, with everything that is going on, Chester still doesn't care, as long as he gets his treats and his tummy rubbed occasionally.

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