Sunday, September 19, 2010

Canning Season

Fall is my favorite season. Not only do fall holidays have great food (candy for Halloween, turkey & stuffing for Thanksgiving, and more candy for Christmas) but it's when we get to harvest all the work of the year. Unfortunately, our tomatoes did not turn out this year. I have yet to dig up the potatoes but I'm sure they will be tasty.

Local fruitstands now have peaches on sale so we decided it was time to bottle some. Why is it that when you see a box of peaches they look like they may not make much but when you get them home and start blanching, peeling, slicing and canning that those two boxes look overwhelming?

I also made a small batch of salsa trying a new recipe. The first year we made salsa it was good (except for the salt) and we are still looking for a great salsa recipe. So we make a little here and there hoping to find that perfect recipe.

While we were between processes, we put together the puzzle we never made it to at Bear Lake, aptly names the Bear Lake puzzle by Dowdle.

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