Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Review - The Bishops Bride

The Bishops Bride by Elizabeth W. Watkins was one of the latest books I read. Andrew McCammon has been a widower for about 3 years and learns he is about to be called as Bishop (leader of a local LDS congregation). Furthermore, he needs top be married and has three weeks to be engaged or serious about someone.

Well, things fall into place, as you knew they would. The book is somewhat predictable in the outcome, but the events along the way are somewhat unpredictable. Remember the Love Boat? Well, all things seemed bleakest at the half-way point and this book copies this formula. I wouldn't call this book boring, because it wasn't. I liked it but the tension between Andrew and Jeanette is a little, well, imaginative. And I really disliked to cover. It depicts characters in their 30's while the book clearly puts their ages in their late 40's. I would have rather seen a blank cover or some abstract art than this deceptive picture. Shame on Covenant Communications!

I'd recommend the book for a light read for those wanting to read a light romance even though it is contrived and a unrealistic.

So another book down and now it's on to Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. This should be interesting...

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