Sunday, August 24, 2008

Review - Plague Ship

Since the library is not yet opened, I don't have access to a descent collection of books (heavens forbid I'd actually use the Provo library!). So I actually bought a book, Plague Ship, by Clive Cussler, the fifth novel in the Oregon Files series.

The series premise is that the Oregon is disguised as a derelict freighter but actually a high-tech, modern marvel of the seas that is used to undertake tasks governments can't really do legitimately.

In this novel, the crew of the Oregon comes across a cruise liner that has bodies lining the deck. After investigation, the crew discovers a lone survivor of what appears to be a biological chemical attack. But as the crew investigates further they discover the connection to the Responsivists, a fringe group dedicated to the premise that the world cannot survive the continued population of the world. Responsivists, as part of their membership in the group, are sterilized to prevent the overpopulation of the world. The are seeking the same with the rest of the world in order to save the planet from a sure doom. But, of course the crew of the Oregon has different ideas and seek to prevent the cruel attack on the world.

This was an enjoyable book, better than Cussler's last. Once again, I'd recommend it for an adult reader. The content of birth control may be too mature for younger readers as would be some of the more violent scenes and intentions of the book. But there is little else that is offensive.

Next up is The Lost Sheep by Jeff Call.

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